Category Archives: Nutrition

Hockey Player Working Out
Categories Fitness, Nutrition, Off-Season Nutrition, Off-Season Training

Don’t Let These Three Things Sabotage Your Off-Season Training Success

Off Season Training Has Never Been More Important 

Now that the hockey season is over, spring camps and tournaments have wrapped up and tryouts are complete, most players are taking a much needed break from the ice and jumping full speed into their off-season training programs. It’s well established among elite level hockey coaches that off-season training is critical to player development for the upcoming season. Whether your goal is to become stronger, faster, more explosive–you name it–the time to make that happen is right now—the off-season. 

Read More Don’t Let These Three Things Sabotage Your Off-Season Training Success
Categories Nutrition, Tournament Nutrition

Tournament Nutrition Basics

It’s a fact that a hockey player’s on ice performance is directly related to the quality of their nutrition program. Never is this fact more obvious or important than at tournament time. 

Recovery Is The Secret

Attending a tournament often means traveling long distances, playing multiple games in a single day and  playing on back to back days. All of these factors put a tremendous strain on an athletes ability to recover—and let’s be very clear—recovery is the key to performance, especially during a tournament.

Read More Tournament Nutrition Basics